How it's done


If you would like to check the rough price for your project we would strongly recommend to use our online quotation service.

We provide prices based on length, width as well as the thickness required for the worktops. Any other products such us basins, planters, tiles etc usually have a standard price.

Please include any cut outs, knock outs, pillar cut outs, sockets within your quote for as accurate price as possible.

Any changes from original quote will be added into last invoice.


What is a template? Basically it is a reflection of the area that has to be covered with worktops. Once the template is based, it is taken back to the factory, compared with original quote and adjusted if necessary.

In rare cases our template team may take measurements instead of template.Once we have got the template back in the factory we do get in contact with our client/costumer to go through it, once everything is agreed with crack on with production of the moulds.


Depending on the size of the project it can take us anything between 7-14 days* unless advised otherwise.As every project is unique and we do not have any pre-made concrete worktops, we do have to make a mould for every single piece.

The more pieces there are the longer it will take to make. Most of the cut outs are pre-casted.Mould making can take couple of days, once these are made we are comparing it with the template to make sure everything is correct.Once everything is double checked we get to casting concrete.Each cast is different and unique, this is why samples should be taken only as a guide for colour and texture.

A day or two after the concrete has been cast we get to grinding the bottom of worktops to make it even&straight and polish it out, depending on desired finish we will polish the surface using different polishing pads. We use the fallowing polishing grits; 50#, 100#, 200#, 400#, 800#, 1500#, 3000#.

The higher the grit the more shiny the worktops will be. If matt finish is required we do not go beyond 400#. Once the concrete is polished we clean it with extra care, in most cases using light acids. Once it is clean and dry we do fill any pin holes with slurry (almost like grout). Once the slurry is dry we do polish the surface one more time and if necessary we lightly acid it again .Once concrete is dry we get into sealing it.

At the moment we use 3 different sealants and few different waxes.Every single product has at least 4 coats of sealant applied, depending on the product we use different sealants for best performance.

Sealant usually takes 24 hours to be dry to touch but does take 7 days to fully cure so please be careful for the first couple of days.

Delivery & installation

Once we have got some approx. dates for delivery we do get in contact with our client/costumer to arrange a delivery, we usually deliver our bespoke make products 2 days after application of a sealant.

Please make sure to have a suitable parking space for our delivery team, if parking permit is required we would appreciate if this can be arranged by the costumer.